Indonesian Feminism. Renewal?

Indonesian Feminism

Feminism. One word that we may have heard many times. Moreover, it has often been discussed in our society. In addition, recently the issue of feminism is very hot in the discussion. Feminism is often associated with women. Basically, feminism focuses on a women's movement .

Definition of Femenism

Feminism itself can be defined as 'analyzing' a problem that is being faced by women. This problem usually involves discrimination against women. Feminism can also be defined as a social, political or set of ideologies where they have the same goal - to fight for women's rights.

The day the feminism in Indonesia is growing, the feminism movement in Indonesia itself continues to campaign for the movement to convey women's rights. Some even say that feminism is one of the main forces for social change that is around us .

Colonial Era

In the colonial or colonial era, there were various resistance movements originating from the Dutch East Indies authority which were considered as oppressors. Such resistance is carried out through armed and diplomatic channels. Both of these are forms of nationalism in fighting colonialism and imperialism. During this period several national organizations were founded. The existence of national organizations with racial religions or ethnicities established during this period made Indonesia ready to fight. One example of a national organization in this era is the Boedi Oetomo which was founded in 1908 in conjunction with the Muhammadiyah ethnicity who was earlier founded in 1917. The method of this organization's methods was discussed by the Western colonial authorities. In addition, the hard-line organizations that carry out the movement with socialist, communist, and ideology ain or choose ger a right underground and guerrilla.

This movement against colonialism raises various questions. One such question is about the role of women. Where are the women, when the men are fighting against colonialism? Are they just in the kitchen struggle? Or do they only serve as couriers or serve a cup of coffee and snacks when there is a resistance movement meeting?

In Indonesian historical records, their thoughts, activists, or associations are rarely recorded. There are at least two things that can lead to women who do not exist in historical literatures. First, women at that time were denied political rights. Second, the struggle of the women seems to yield to the men and choose not to be dominant in the male circle. This interpretation seems inaccurate. The absence of women is wrong. In fact, historians have also noted the existence of women as part of armed comrades to fight against colonialism.

Who doesn't know Cut Nyak Dien and Cut Meutia from Aceh, Sumatra. Surely we know him, right? They are some of the female heroes in Indonesia in fighting colonialism. In Java we know more about Roro Gusik and her husband, named Untung Suropati, who carried out a rebellion movement. Maluku contained in Martha Christina Tiahua who participated in the revolution carried out and led by Pattimura, while dar i South Sulawesi No Emmy Saelan, where he was terilibat active in the uprising led by Wolter Monginsidi.

Kartini the Figure of Feminism?

Indonesian Feminism Renewal

Anyone not familiar with RA Kartini? I think everyone knows him. The movement of women when they entered Indonesia was also closely related to Kartini. How could she not, Kartini often wrote letters that she sent to her Dutch friends. This is what causes women's activities to stand out. The compilation of the letters sent by Kartini was collected and then printed into a book entitled Door DuinsternisTot Licht in 1911. This book was later also known among the public in Indonesia, especially women.

The publisher from Balai Pustaka translated the book into Indonesian with the headline "Habis Gelap, Terbitlah Terang ". This book really inspires women in Indonesia to fight for their rights to be equal with men. At that time, it was known as the "emancipation of women" and Kartini was considered a feminist figure in her era.

R. A Kartini is the second son of the Regent of Jepara. Kartini initially lived in Jepara and then moved to Rembang. In her letter, she talked about traditional values that constrained women and made them dependent on men, so that women became economically, socially and culturally powerless.

If it is concluded in a written letter that Kartini's ideas contain several things, they are: a) education for women is an important part; b) every woman from various backgrounds has the right to earn a living; c) polygyny must be eliminated because it can damage the dignity of women.

Feminism in Indonesia

Talking about colonialism, of course we will never be separated from the Dutch who established a trading center which was named the VOC ( Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie - East India Company ). In a historical record, Indonesia is known to have experienced the longest colonialist process under Dutch domination . Colonialism in Indonesia dates back to the 18th century.

If we discuss figures from the feminist movement or the theory and history of the feminist movement in Indonesia, this has a special problem. However, if we look now in Indonesia there have been many changes. It can be interpreted that there is a lot of freedom and openness in feminism to discuss related issues; problems, thoughts, pros and cons. Freedom was found relatively recently during the end of President Soeharto's administration .

In fact, there is one complicated factor in the discussion of feminism or the women's movement in Indonesia, namely about the assumption of feminist ideas, thoughts and movements that do not have cultural and social roots in Indonesia or elsewhere. Actually, these words of ideas and thoughts come from the West which have Western connotations. The result of this is that the term feminism is still rarely used by the wider community. Actually, the most common is the number of women activists engaged in the research and academic struggles are the same or can be in say inherently terkai t with the idea of the feminist movement.

The development of phenimism in Indonesia occurs into three phases. Among them: 1) the first phase, namely the colonial phase or also known as the feminist liberal phase, in this phase the law on marriage and education develops very strongly. In addition, the organization has strong roots in the Soekarno era (Socialist / Marxist Feminism); 2) the second phase, feminism was paralyzed due to state domination (New Order Regime); 3) in the third phase or the contemporary phase, filled with various discourses and critics that are produced by women's organizations. In this third phase, many women have established various women's organizations from various backgrounds.

Reference: A Hundred Years of Feminism in Indonesia An Analysis of Actors, Debates and Strategies by Gadis Arivia and Nur Iman Subono

Zaa Halo teman-teman!! Saya Laretza biasa dipanggil Eza. Gak suka baca apalagi nulis tapi cuma pengen damai aja ama keduanya. @laretza410

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